
Scalaeye S6 B

Quick Overview

4 573,36 €

Airframe ideal for the researcher or developer .
Includes: Hardware , door camera lens cover and parachute recovery system ready to use.
No ensablé .
Install the charge and fly!
Includes: install the servos , motor, ESC , BEC , 2 x 5000 mAh Lipo battery for motor
1300 mAh battery for servos and retrieval system ready to use parachute .
ALSO includes: Spektrum DX8 8 ch radio transmitter and receiver preset and ready ,
battery charger 6 Accucel .
  - Wingspan: 2.0 m
- Fuselage length : 1.2 m
- Structure: the airframe is made entirely in carbon fiber reinforced . The load module useful Bay is built in fiberglass.
- Full available control surfaces : rudder , ailerons, flaps , elevators, throttle .
- Uses : Ideal for photomapping and remote sensing because of its wide range of speeds, excellent structural strength and wide UAV Payload Bay Module .
- Takeoff : Hand Release
- Empty weight : 1260 gr
- Cruising speed : 50-60 km / h .
- Top speed: 130 km / h - The Aeromapper UAV has excellent wind penetration and high performance in gusty conditions.
- Approx. Coverage area for mapping missions : 900 Ha in 30-45 minutes flight (depending on flight height ) .
- Parachute recovery system : compact, lightweight Kevlar parachute lines .